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Image by Brooke Lark


Whether you are just beginning your health journey or looking to dive deeper to achieve better results, I have a plan that is right for you. As someone who tried to completely DIY my own healing journey I know that it takes a lot of time, energy, resources, trial and error and a lot of effort (especially when you’re dealing with constant symptoms). I could have saved myself a lot of time and money by working with someone in the beginning. But how do you know where to start?


I want you to know that I get it. After seeing zero results from many doctors and feeling very alone in this process I started searching for my own answers. But, this brought up a lot of questions. Which program is right for me? Which healing modality is right for me? Which diet should I be following? Which supplements should I be taking? What is actually going on inside my body? Why do I still struggle with multiple symptoms even after changing my diet and trying to get healthier? I’ve tried “all the things” and nothing is working.


My mission is truly to simplify your life, provide you with a complete roadmap to health and personalized wellness plan so you can focus on healing and less on researching. I am also here to guide and support you through this process, through the ups and downs and be there to celebrate your wins! I want to assure you that healing IS possible and to try to remove some of the fears. There are many unknowns when it comes to healing and rebalancing the body. I want to make sure you feel empowered, understood and in charge of your own health. 


Here’s how it works: I offer a FREE, 30 minute initial consultation where I get to know you and you get to know me. From there we assess if working together would be a good fit, based on your goals, symptoms and honestly, if we vibe. 


From there I will make an initial assessment and give you my thoughts based on my experience + education. If we do decide to work together, I will send you an in-depth toxicity assessment, health history and get you started right away on actionable steps to take to improve your health. 


You can expect some temporary diet changes, supplement recommendations, detox protocols and lab recommendations. I don’t want to surprise you with extra fees, so just know that there will be some initial costs up front to get you started with all the tools you will need to transform your health. 


This is an investment in your health and for the rest of your life. I can’t make any guarantees but most people who follow these steps see results in as little as 6-12 weeks. If I added up all the money I spent on random supplements, time missed from work and years being sick and living a lowered quality of life, it would far outweigh the initial cost of getting started on the road to recovery. 


The best part. I want to get you results so you can get back to living your life! I don’t want you to feel like you have to be healing forever. I want to emphasize that much of the work in the beginning is to set you up for success and maximize your results! I want to remove the fear that your life is over and you have to be on a strict diet or supplement protocol forever, you don’t! There is a balance to all things and that is exactly what we will focus on over a 3 or 6 month period. 

Wellness Plans

3 Month Plan 


-Personalized Wellness Plan

-6 1:1 zoom calls (45 minutes)

-Comprehensive food + supplement guide based on your unique bio-individuality

-Lifestyle Support Guide based on symptoms + goals

-Text support to answer questions in between calls

6 Month Plan



-Personalized wellness plan

-12 1:1 zoom calls (45 minutes)

-Comprehensive food + supplement guide based on your unique bio-individuality

-Shopping List + PDF's relevant to YOU

-Lifestyle Guide based on symptoms + goals

-Specific protocols and deeper dive into body rebalancing. 

**Specific Protocols based on lab testing or symptoms

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